life after death

All posts tagged life after death

Universe, blue waves,

The final word, Ghosts don’t exist?

This according to an article by Ross Pomeroy of Real Clear Science from February 6, 2017

Physicist Brian Cox, an Advanced Fellow of particle physics at the University of Manchester stated that ghosts do not exist. This was his conclusion after working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Cox is quoted as saying:

“I would say if there’s some kind of substance that’s driving our bodies, making my arms move and legs move, then it must interact with the particles out of which our bodies are made. And seeing as we’ve made high precision measurements of the ways that particles interact, then my assertion is there can be no such thing as an energy source that’s driving our bodies.”

Read the full article on the Real Clear Science website:

In essence, ghosts can not exist

What a relief, after 40 years of study and investigation into life after death the revelation that ghosts don’t exist allows me to move on, maybe taking up ballroom dancing or possibly axe throwing… NOT.

Hold on, when you have been researching the paranormal for as long as I have you tend to see these claims every so often. Normally it’s a college or University academic looking for funding or some attention, or a narcissist who just likes to hear themselves talk, or in this case this scientist who is most likely linked to a group of scientists who believe there is nothing new out there and everything has already been discovered, they just know everything there is to know.

According to the article ghosts can’t exist because they can not detect energy that would account for them. Hmmm, they can’t detect dark matter either but its okay to believe that exists. No, ghosts aren’t real, we have to just dismiss the 1.2 billion (give or take) encounters with the spirit world globally over the last 150 years. But if you want to have fun ask him to explain how the brain works and human consciousness, or my favorite explain love, I can hear the gears grinding to a stop now.

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